Doula support for the birth you really want.

Prepare with knowledge, Embrace the journey, and Thrive through it all


Every family deserves the opportunity of Choice

All too often, a family’s Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum experience are treated as if they are three individual events. This could not be further from reality! At the root, a Parent’s pregnancy may impact their birth experience, which sets the tone for a family’s postpartum journey . At no point, should a family feel that they are “going with the flow”, or purely “hoping for the best outcome”.

It all starts with support and finishes with confidence!
Your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience are shaped by you and your chosen support network. A solid support network is one that will prepare for parenthood alongside you; hold your hand and cheer you on when the going gets tough; and will show up and be there to hold you, not just the baby. With a devoted team in place at your side, you will enable your journey to be built on a foundation of trust and safety - not just within those around you, but within yourself.

So, who’s on your team?

AvZ Doula Services is here to advocate and support your family while you Prepare yourselves with knowledge and options; Embrace the journey how you’ve designed it and Thrive with empowered confidence.

Birth is hard work. Parenthood is challenging. It can all be overwhelming.

I want you to know that YOU can be in control. And when you are, the hard won’t feel so challenging, and the challenges won’t feel so overwhelming. So, empower yourself with knowledge, options, and CHOICE.

Photo by the Unison Photo

Photo by the Unison Photo


Hello, Gorgeous!

I've been where you are, twice in fact!  And each time everything felt so exciting, but also maybe a little scary. Sound familiar? I’m here to tell you that It's totally normal, and valid!

My wish for you, is that you and your family are able to continue through your pregnancy and into your birth party feeling less scared or nervous, and a whole lot more excited and prepared!

Not sure where to even begin? Well, that's where a simple conversation can turn into a plan, and that plan morphs into action. This is my passion - supporting families like you through the process of preparing and achieving the birth you really want!

You've got this, and I've got you!

 "We don’t have to do all of it alone. We were never meant to.”

-Brené Brown, Rising Strong

Get the support you need, where you want it.


Prenatal Doula Support

The road may seem long at times, but it doesn’t have to be bumpy! Get on the right path towards the birth YOU desire!

Virtual Birth Doula Support

Support comes in a variety of ways - and the 2020 global pandemic has shifted how that looks. Virtual birth support keeps your doula present with you, regardless of restrictions!

Postnatal Doula Support

Babies unfortunately aren’t born with a user manual - Parents, and even siblings, can benefit from Postnatal guidance!


OMP for Parents™

Do you want a smoother and easier labor and birth? Optimal Maternal Positioning will show you how!

A la Carte Options

Need to just fill in the gaps? A la carte options include ad hoc private consultations, birth plan review, and private OMP enhancement sessions!

Customizable Packages

If you’re looking for the whole enchilada, let’s develop a package together to best suit your needs!