About Doula Amanda

Amanda is an international Birth and Postpartum Doula, who was drawn to the calling of birth work through the births of her own two children. Having supported families globally, Amanda has evolved her purpose and passion from solely in-person doula support, to an emphasis on Childbirth Education, Optimal Maternal Positioning™, and Parenthood Preparation to enrich families on their personal experience forward.

Before creating AvZ Doula Services in September 2020, Amanda began her training in October 2018 and has supported over 70 beautiful families in high and low-risk labor and births, with a wide variety of postpartum experiences. Amanda is eager and passionate to provide information, tools, and resources for both new and seasoned parents to empower themselves to create their journey in a way that they desire.

In addition to OMPEducator, Amanda is a certified IBPA and DONA Doula for both Birth and Postpartum. She continues her knowledge growth and experience through supporting clients and attending various workshops and webinars including an Optimal Maternal PositioningExchange in China, Lactation Massage workshop, Lactation Management seminar, and more!

Certifications:  ibirthprofessionals certified Birth & Postpartum Doula and Mentor; Optimal Maternal Positioning (OMP) Educator; DONA certified Birth & Postpartum Doula

Birth Experience: Low-Risk Vaginal Births (with and without pain relief and medical interventions); Hospital and Home Births; Hydrotherapy and Water Birth ; High-Risk Vaginal Births (VBAC), breech, twins

Breastfeeding Experience: Insufficient Glandular Tissue Growth (IGT); Over/Low Milk Supply; Breast Augmentation; Flat/Inverted Nipples; Tongue Tie; Hand Expression (Blocked Ducts/Mastitis); Milk Storage Practices; Preparing to Return to Work

Postpartum Experience: Newborn Care; Daily Baby Routine; Baby Wearing; Maternal Physical/Emotional Wellness


What People Are Saying


“Gosh, where do I even begin about Amanda! What an absolutely amazing doula, person, and friend she has become. I first met Amanda as a postpartum doula with my firstborn son. She was kind, gentle, and always maintained a good sense of humor to keep us positive despite all the breastfeeding challenges. When it came time to get prepared for the birth of my second son, Amanda was immediately who came to mind to be our primary doula. She is someone who genuinely cares about every client and she is incredibly dedicated. Her communication skills are off the charts – extremely proactive in messaging, follow-ups, check-ins, etc. As someone who works in the service industry myself, she is the epitome of what it means to take care of people. Amanda really makes you feel like the most important VIP. During the birth itself, she never left my side. Everything was perfect – the words of encouragement, the warm rice socks on my lower back, sips of water, support for my husband, connecting with the doctor, helping me change positions to move baby down, respecting all the requests I made prior, etc. etc. 100% would not have had the birth experience I did without her support!

In closing, who you chose to let into the most intimate and vulnerable moments of your life as a woman is not a choice to make lightly. For me, there’s no one I’d rather have at my side than Amanda and any woman birthing would be so lucky to have her <3”

— Lauren

“Since having Amanda as our doula for the birth of our first baby, I cannot imagine how anyone could do it without her! From the very first second, she was the perfect mix of professional, warm, genuine, caring, knowledgeable and empathetic. Her advice prenatally was invaluable; a first time mum in a foreign country having a vaginal birth for a breech baby - we would have been completely lost without her and the wonderful team at Four Trimesters. Just when I thought I couldn’t appreciate her more, she came to my rescue postnatally more times than she probably knew. Whether it was over whatsapp for advice or in my living room sorting out engorgement! We felt so supported by her - 24/7. Nothing was ever a problem - she was consistently positive and encouraging, listened and always went above and beyond - I cannot rate her highly enough - she is superhuman. x”

— Carly & Tim

“Amanda was part of my birthing team in 2019. I found her to be grounded, kind, calm, really nice and very well-versed in her knowledge and passion. She made me feel comfortable and secure throughout the duration of my pregnancy and supported me with advice, kind words and optimal positioning when we found out baby was breech (at that point). Having had a previous homebirth that progressed quite quickly and smoothly, Amanda and team probably had planned to get to me as soon as possible once this latest labour got underway. Amanda had everything under control once labour progressed and made me feel comfortable, helping me with counter pressure with every contraction and instinctively knew I was ready when I retreated alone to my bedroom. Post-natally her support was invaluable and I definitely needed the constant contact and reassurance of her and the team. We have since developed a lovely friendship and I wish she was back in Singapore to be my doula once more if I am going to have another baby!”

— Serena