Don’t feel unprepared for the roadblocks that may show up at your birth

Learn the techniques with Optimal Maternal Positioning for Parents™
and get the birth you really want!


“Bringing alignment and mobility within the mother’s pelvis enables the baby’s cardinal movements to facilitate labor to progress”

Is it really possible to have a smooth and easy labor and birth experience?



With the proper understanding of why, and the tools to know how, you can create a smoother, easier, and more enjoyable birthing experience!

Together with your birth partner, join OMP Educator, Doula Amanda, for an upcoming two-part OMP for Parents™ workshop! You and your birth parter will gain the valuable knowledge and techniques needed to empower you both with confidence throughout your pregnancy, labor and birth!

It all begins and ends with desire… a want to be successful, empowered, and a dang badass birther! When you envision YOUR labor and birth, what does that mean to you, and how does it look? How are you going to get yourself there?

With what seems to be an endless list of restrictions on birthing parents today, it can leave families feeling overwhelmed about how to have a safe and empowered birth, especially with whatever curve balls that may show up during labor & birth. It shouldn’t be that hard for you to have the birth you really want.

I hear you, and OMP for Parents™ can get you prepared for the unexpected!


Empowered Knowledge

Knowledge is great BUT... OMP stands out by teaching you WHAT to do, HOW to do it, WHEN to do it, and most importantly WHY you are doing it. Get activated by learning the biomechanics of birthing your baby in simplified language.



… In Yourself, and in your Birth Partner. Once you discover these tools and techniques, practice and apply what you learn together with your birth partner. You both will have the confidence to know you ARE physically prepared for the birth you want.


Experienced Guidance

Many may teach childbirth education, but don't attend births anymore. Your mentor, Amanda has attended births internationally, in-person, and virtually and has successfully guided parents towards their desired birth experience.


Useful Tools for Results

Utilize the techniques that have been proven during pregnancy to not only ease pain and discomfort, but can turn non-ideal situations around during labor & birth, decreasing the chance of further interventions.



When you have the knowledge, you hold the power. The power to say YES and the power to say NO. Informed choice is an Empowered Choice. You will learn how to work with your body to birth your baby, to target and achieve the birth experience you desire.


Still in doubt that you and your partner CAN actually have the birth you want? Scan the code and dive a little deeper!

Upcoming Virtual OMP for Parents™ Workshops!

One fee. Two Classes. All the good stuff.

Your role as parents is based on your team work and support for each other. Part 1 of the Optimal Maternal Positioning for Parents workshop will utilize that, and take you and your partner on a journey of WHY OMP is the answer to so many questions. With this, you are going to build your arsenal of tools and knowledge that you need to better understand the HOW in “OMP for Parents Part 2, Implementing with How”. 

Part 1 is all about empowering your confidence and injecting OMP into your pregnancy routine; Part 2 will take you and your partner all the way through your labor to meeting your baby the way you desire. Birth is just the beginning of this new chapter of parenthood (whether this is your first or third baby!), and OMP can help ensure it has a positive start

BONUS Gift! At the completion of Part 2, you will receive a FREE coupon for 12-month access to all the great content learned during the live workshops – video demos included!


OMP for Parents™, Part 1-
Prep with Why

The Why

In the current world we live in, we are ALL told that things are good for us, and we should do this or that to be healthy and safe - things like we should take certain medications, vitamins, vaccines, or even eat healthy and exercise! Yes, these things can be good and beneficial if you know WHY you are doing it! If we don’t know the intent behind something, are we going to stick with it and do it? Probably not.

So before we get into the juicy goods of how OMP can benefit your labor and birth, we’re going to take it back to the intent, the purpose, and start building it into your pregnancy routine NOW.

$225usd per couple. Yes! this includes Part 2!


OMP for Parents™, Part 2-
Implement with How

This is How.

Now that you have this purposeful understanding of WHY Optimal Maternal Positioning is valuable and effective, you and your partner now have this toolbox of tricks up your sleeve, but how do you know what to do and when? When your birth party kicks off, Part 2 is going to embed reassurance and solidify the confidence from Part 1, and highlight how you can bring your OMP toolbox to your birthing environment.

It all begins and ends with a desire… a want to be successful, empowered, and a dang badass team! When you envision YOUR birth, what does that mean to you, and how does it look? How are you going to get yourself there? I’ll tell you why, first… then I’ll show you how. We are not “one size fits all”, and that has never been truer to our bodies, our pregnancies, or our way of birthing our babies.


Secure your spots in one of these upcoming workshop cycles!

2022 Dates Coming Soon!

Private OMP Workshops always available! Inquire for more information!

Book your Virtual OMP for Parents™ Workshop HERE!

Choose the TWO dates and timings that work best for you and your birth partner/spouse. Options for same weekend, or private sessions over two weekends is available! OMP for Parents is most beneficial when attended by both the pregnant parent and their birth partner or spouse. BONUS! At the completion of Part 2, you will receive a FREE coupon for 12-month access to all the great content learned during the live workshops – video demos included!

Upon registration you will receive an electronic invoice via email, in addition to the Zoom link for your chosen workshop dates.

Mark your calendars!


I have already signed up or taken a Childbirth Education Class. Do I still need to learn OMP?

There are some AMAZING classes out there that will give you some of the knowledge you need to prepare for pregnancy, labor & birth. Optimal Maternal Positioning however compliments many of these modalities where much of their focus is often on mental preparation and learning what happens in the birth room. 

Some even help you with a birth plan to set-up for a plan B. 

Optimal Maternal Positioning takes things to a greater level by giving you the WHY, WHAT, WHEN and HOW to enable labor to progress by preparing your body and baby for birth. 

You will learn what you can do when things go right AND most importantly have the confidence to know WHAT to do when things during birth don't go to plan.

I am very interested in attending a OMP for Parents™ workshop, however there are no dates available before my estimated due date. What can I do?

Please don’t worry! There is always the option to book a private OMP for Parents™ workshop sessions – you may also choose to package your workshop along with prenatal preparation sessions - not to only prepare your body, but to mentally get you and your partner ready for your birth party!  Please email Doula Amanda at to discuss your needs and options

I'm only in my Second Trimester, is it too early?

Actually, that's a perfect time to start! The OMP techniques will help with alignment AND begin to help you prepare throughout pregnancy for labor & birth.

I am already in my Third Trimester, is it too late?

It's NEVER too late to be proactive in preparing for the birth that is driven by your choices and preferences. After Part 1 of OMP for Parents™, you and your birth partner will be actively working together towards the birth you want.

Can OMP turn my breech/transverse baby?

We have seen many examples of using different techniques and witnessing babies move into more favorable positions. Although, it is something we certainly cannot guarantee, we will say that by working with your body, having the confidence, awareness, and knowledge in knowing what to do during pregnancy, and labor & birth - you give yourself a higher chance of creating your desired outcome.

It is often said in many other programs that your baby needs to be in an "ideal position" which is simply not true. In fact, Optimal Maternal positioning focuses on the mother just as much as baby (if not more!). By utilizing the highlighted techniques, you and your partner will learn how to work with your body to create space within the pelvis to allow baby to birth smoothly.

I absolutely love this program and have added it to my daily routine, but I’d love to get a little more support when implementing this into my birth plan

Of course! Along with the program, you may book a 1-1 OMP Enhancement session with Doula Amanda to review, revise, and learn how to cater OMP techniques to YOUR individual labor and birth plan! You may email at or book a 90min session directly with Doula Amanda at

I already know that I want pain relief and may have to stay on the bed, do I still need to learn OMP?

Great Question!
OMP is not only effective and useful for those parents looking to have a very active, drug free, unmedicated birth - it is beneficial to ANY birthing family, perhaps even more useful!

During the workshop, we will look at how you can help enable your labor to progress, even if you choose an epidural. Also, I want to highlight - OMP isn’t just for labor and birth, it’s a valuable tool to help your body prepare for birth. You wouldn’t run a marathon without training, would you?